Random Thoughts: Not so Happy Meals

So this past week a travesty took place in America that we need to address.  Just as people get bent out of shape over water-boarding and illegal wire-taps, they should be just as upset about the totally wicked behavior of California law makers.  Our government is beginning to overstep its boundaries when they start banning things like Happy Meal toys!  What else could make a McNugget go down better than a hotwheel or Barbie toy in the same box?  NOTHING I say!

McDonalds has been including toys in its kid’s meal since 1979.  Some of them have been good toys… some not so good, but it does make the meal more appealing to kids (who let’s be real here for a moment… are sometimes incredible picky & difficult when it comes to meal time).  McDonalds does not hide the fact that the regular food usually in a Happy Meal probably isn’t the most healthy, but at least they have taken the initiative to include a few healthier options (such as milk and apple slices) in the past few years.  I say that if you think a Happy Meal is unhealthy for your child to eat, THEN DON’T BUY THEM ONE!!!  Seriously people, what fun is a Happy Meal without the toy?!  It’s not.  Without the toy, it’s just a burger and fries off of their dollar menu, and that still isn’t healthy.

Folks, this trend is a serious one.  While I don’t agree with people smoking and I think it’s gross, if someone wants to smoke… they should be allowed to… in a designated smoking area.  But no… let’s make a bunch of laws and make it illegal to smoke in a public place.  If someone wants a meal because it’s got a toy in it, then they should be allowed to buy it.  Trust me government law-makers… restricting this won’t suddenly make kids healthier!  Unless their parents don’t have enough sense to make them eat healthy meals more than unhealthy meals and can drag their fat butts away from the X-Box occasionally… they’re still going to be obese!  Everything in moderation.  I just think that America is slowly turning into a nation where our “freedoms” are being taken away slowly over time without us noticing.  I’m thinking that the government has run out of good, fruit-bearing legislation so they justify their “law-making” positions with silly crap like this.  Seriously people!!!  If you need something to do, how about going out and talking things over with the people who voted you into office from time-to-time.  Your supporters may have a great idea or opinion to restore this country to a place of more freedom and less government.  How about spending your time looking into important matters like paying educators, soldiers, policeman, and fire-rescue professionals more for the sacrificial jobs they do everyday?  How about making sure cancer is eradicated and making sure that kids have modern equipment, computers and books in schoolrooms?

If we’re not careful America, we’re going to soon have only one government TV station to watch with safe programming… that is unless they take our televisions away because they think we spend too much time in front of them.  Soon, cattle will be extinct because someone in the government is alarmed that red-meat should be outlawed (not to mention a reduction in methane gas production by the bovine community)!  Soon it will be illegal to grow sugar or distribute sugar-containg products.  Where will it end folks.

Remember what happened during prohibition.  Soon we’ll have speak-easys for kids where they have to know a secret knock in order to acquire the latest beany baby or transformer.  Federal agents will raid trucks and break open barrels of illegal, cheap toys that smell like hamburgers.  People will be making french fries in their bath tubs like cheap gin!  Do you really want that?  Do you?!!!

Fight for America people!  Happy Meals are part of that America!  Now if you want to outlaw Ronald McDonald… I would be cool with that.  I hate clowns.

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4 Responses to Random Thoughts: Not so Happy Meals

  1. Balooken`s Baby Girl says:

    Dad if I EVER get a website, Now I`m gonna’ call it “BabesBlog.com”

  2. Nick6415 says:

    CA. use to be a good place. but this flips my lid!!! 1st baning all video game sales to minors, now no happt meal toy? what ever happend to CA. being the place everone wanted to dream about. who ever the law men are, GET OF YOU BUTTS AND READ THIS BLOG!!!!! I’LL BE BETER THAN THINKING THAT TO BAN TOYS WILL MAKE KIDS HEALTHY!!!!!!!

  3. Jacquie O. says:

    Kenny- I really REALLY enjoyed this. It’s funny- but not funny then funny. You are 100% right about the slow but sure drain on our freedoms. People need to wake up! I’m all about doing away with Ronald McDOnald too- something very wrong with a man clown playing with kids everyday.

  4. Von Hoganstein says:

    If I ever get a website, it’s gonna be called ‘Goog;e’ so people visit it accidentally.

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